Okay, I get a lot of questions about when series are ending. Some series are opened ended and will continue until sales/reviews fall. Reviews? Yes, reviews. I need the reviews to advertise. When I can’t get enough, that plays into the end of a series. Only reviews on Amazon count for the advertising. It is what it is.
What series don’t I have an end date for at this time so don’t send me panicked messages because I’m not giving you specifics about endings (that’s because there are no specifics, so chill)? 1. Wicked Witches of the Midwest 2. Moonstone Bay 3. Mystic Caravan 4. Spell’s Angels 5. Two Broomsticks Gas & Grill 6. Charlie Rhodes 7. Supernatural Speakeasy 8. Hannah Hickok They will go on indefinitely as of this time. If an end starts to take shape, I will let you know with more than a year to go. Which series are ending? 1. Ivy Morgan: In November of 2021, the last regular book in the series will hit. It’s called Wicked Forever (book 21 in the series) and is several books after the wedding. The characters will continue showing up in crossovers, though. 2. Death Gate: This was always a set number of books. Much like Aisling, I had a set story I wanted to tell. It will be nine books. When does the last book hit? Not until October 2022. Will there be more Grimlocks after that? They will be regular players in another series (actually, probably more than one but that needs to be ironed out going forward). The heroine of the one series I’m absolutely sure about is actually being introduced in Only the Devout. You will get to see her a bit (no, she is not Redmond’s love interest) and you will get to know her before she gets her own series. I actually have an incredibly in-depth world set up for her and a fun way to explore the new environment that is taking shape in Detroit’s downtown. 3. Harper Harlow: As of right now I have Harper ending with Ghostly Travels (book 18 in the series) in May 2021. I am not 100% married to that – it’s more 50-50 – but I’m leaning toward it. She will also be continuing in crossovers. If I were to think of some fantastic arc, I can see pushing that off for three books (but that would be the limit). I don’t presently have that arc, so I’m leaning more toward ending it. I would prefer ending when I still have fresh ideas than grasping at straws. As for the rest, I have books planned for all the series I termed “ongoing” through at least 2022. I can’t answer after that because I can only think so far into the future. That brings us to Avery Shaw. You will notice I didn’t include her in either section. To be honest, Avery is my favorite character. She’s the most like me. However, she suffers from declining sales, an inability to cross over into the other worlds, which makes her an island, and declining reviews. That doesn’t mean I totally want to let her go, though, because I like writing about myself in a story. So, what does that mean? In March 2021, the last SCHEDULED Avery Shaw book will hit. I’m not telling you the title because it’s a spoiler. After that, basically I will write an Avery book when I have a really good idea (which is very easy for me to do because I get inspiration from the news constantly). She will not have more than one book a year, though, and I will basically plug her into the schedule when I have inspiration/time. I will announce when I plan to publish a book, but she will no longer be on the schedule after March of next year. I will simply add her in when I can. Which brings us to new series. There will be one new series next year. Harley, who you’ve met in Charlie’s series, will get her own series. The first book hits in September 2021. The Grimlocks will be involved in that series, too, although they will not be as prominent as they are in the Death Gate series. The love interest in that series is Logan, who you met in the Mystic Caravan and Grimlock crossover. There will be more on that later. For Lily Harper Hart, the Witch on the Rocks series will also launch in September 2021. That one will be a lot of fun and I will break it down later (when I have more time). Those are the only new series next year. I don’t know yet what new series will launch in 2022 but that’s quite a ways off anyway and I need time to figure things out. So, I think that’s it. If there are any changes, I will let you know. As always, thank you for reading.
2/14/2020 05:22:05 am
Dear Amanda - I absolutely LOVE all your series and my favourites are Avery Shaw, Death Gate, Speakeasy and Hannah Hickock. It must be so frustrating for an author to take your time on a blog-post and the only comment you get is from someone who obviously not even knows that you are writing BOOKS and are not talking about a mindless TV-series :) Anyway - I read all of your books various (many, many) times and can't wait for the next one
5/11/2022 11:35:43 pm
Agree with Petra. Those types of comments are typically people posting a link to THEIR OWN WEBSITE (like that person did here) and not relevant, basically spamming.
2/15/2020 08:02:54 am
I just want to tell you that I've become a huge fan of your work. I love Moonstone Bay, Charlie Rhodes, Spell Angels and Wicked Witches of the Midwest. Wicked Witches of the Midwest is my ABSOLUTE favorite and my favorite characters are Aunt Tillie and Bay. I've reread all the books several times and I honestly hope you don't end it anytime soon because the stories seem to be getting more captivating. KEEP WRITING!
Trina Johnson
1/1/2023 11:40:56 am
I LOVE The witches of the Midwest as well. However, I'm on book 9 and it is not laugh out loud funny anymore. Wondering if that will change in books 10 on...
2/27/2020 10:08:17 am
My Favorites are Avery Shaw, Harper Harlow, Maddie Graves, and Rowan Gray. As you can tell, I prefer reporters, psychics, and those who can see ghosts compared to witches, warlocks, and vampires. Avery Shaw is my absolute favorite, so I’m sad to hear that the series will be slowing down, although grateful that it won’t be stopping. I tend to get both the audio and print versions of the books, and I do listen to or read them multiple times. I love your books, I hope you will continue to write books in the genre I prefer, which is selfish, of course, but what can I say? Thank you for many hours of reading/listening pleasure.
Gwen A Miller
3/2/2020 05:52:57 pm
Until this year I had only read the Wicked Witches of the Midwest and love them. I started reading Moonstone Bay and the Grimlock series and love them as well. Thank you for all of your hard work.
Kelly Ann Mika
3/28/2020 06:38:39 am
Love these books! Would like for my mother to read but she needs large print. Anywhere I can buy large print?
7/30/2020 08:46:29 am
Try to get her the audio version, I'm visually impaired/legally blind - so I listen to the stories mostly. If I use my kindle on my desktop I can increase the print so I can see it. (I've a 48" HD Flat Screen T.V. I use as a monitor - a birthday gift from family.)
5/11/2022 11:47:39 pm
When a large print isn't available, use a Kindle (like the Fire) instead.
Steve McSheffrey
4/15/2020 11:05:47 am
Avery could cross over, she just can't know about it! One way I can imagine is whatever guest star frustrated Avery can come up with a rational expplanation for every inexplicable thing she encounters.
4/30/2020 02:41:42 pm
I love most of your series. The only one I don't care about is Avery Shaw SORRY!!!!! But I LOVE all the others. I couldn't even pick a fav. I just need them on Audible. I listen to them ALL DAY, every day. 7 days a week. I would like to get the books that are missing - like Maddie Graves I only can get the first 3 and Graves Seas the rest or gone. I'm hoping they will come back so I get all the audible books for the series that I have. Please be safe an keep writing.
Jaime D'Arcy
5/4/2020 08:13:35 am
I discovered your books when my husband and I were planning an eighteen hour drive to visit family and wanted something to keep us entertained on the trip. We signed up for audible and searched for books that would get us the whole way there. One of the suggestions was a collection of the first three books in your Covenant College series. It sounded fun so we took the chance on it. Ten minutes in and we were hooked.
Jaime D'Arcy
5/7/2024 05:31:43 am
Four years later and we still love listening to your books! On long road trips, gardening in the yard, or cleaning the house, your books can make doing anything more enjoyable! We listen to them over and over. I even read them now when I need a palate cleanser after being disappointed by someone else's book, or am too impatient to wait for your newest release to come out in audio.
Lauren Starr
7/30/2020 09:14:39 am
I really love your series! I started with Grimm, then branched out. When I got to a crossover I was so excited, I actually started reading a few of the other series "because" of hitting a crossover! I had to know more about the new characters.
8/5/2020 11:07:35 am
Hey Amanda,
Brandi Martin
10/15/2020 03:33:48 am
I absolutely love your books. I'm glad I dont have to pick a favorite because that would be impossible. I can't thank you enough for the hours of laughter and fun you bring with your books. Looking forward to what you will be releasing in the coming year. Thank you for your hard work and dedication!!!!!
12/3/2020 11:53:32 am
I love Avery Shaw! I buy everything you write! Love your style of writing! So believable!
Aurora Hines
12/19/2020 12:37:29 am
Thank you for this update, which I read almost a year later haha
Dana Wadsworth
1/31/2021 04:09:30 pm
I love Avery and I'm glad you will be still writing her here and there. She is the one I have reread and listen to audible over and over again. I do love you others as well. Charlie is my new favorite but nothing replaces Avery.
I love the sarcastic humor you employ in most of your books. I’m often laughing out loud and catch my husband off guard. I also enjoy the crossovers so thank you for creating those too!
Shelley Leon Croyle
5/16/2021 08:58:18 am
My wife and I have now read everything of yours currently available. (Re-reading also). Loving every minute and every word. No issues. Keep them coming. Recently finished the 3 books of “Two Broomsticks Gas & Grill” and hoping you have more planned - future not quite mentioned above. Just a note to all regarding “accessibility” that some folks may not know. IPads and some iPhones have an accessibility feature allowing any text to be spoken out loud (speaker/headphones/Bluetooth hearing aids. Choosing the voice and speed of reading - unlike Audible or recorded readings. (Android system not so user friendly) So, while doing any task or function - gardening - cooking - putting in hardwood flooring (lol. Lol) we can hear and visually read your works. We seem to crank off a book a day - (Goodbye cable TV - lol. Lol). So thanks and please keep them coming. Warm regards- Shelley & Penny
Anne Meger
6/26/2021 05:58:36 pm
I love your writing! I started with Wicked Witches of the West then read Moonstone Bay. (I think the witches of the Midwest should take a vacation to Moonstone Bay!) I just read the three books in Two Broomstick Gas and Grill. Can’t wait for book 4When will it be out? Your books will keep me in reading material for many months to come. I have even put off reading the most recent Patricia Cornwell book to read you. Thank you for being such an interesting and prolific author!
Kelly Williams
7/18/2021 04:11:48 pm
I discovered Avery Shaw first…moved on to all your books when I was home recovering from cancer treatment. I had time on my hands and your writing talent and Avery’s character helped me through some long days. You truly are a gifted and talented author. Your creativity is inspiring and I am in awe of all your work.
Jennifer White
11/17/2021 02:46:20 pm
Hi all. I just turned 54 and I must say I’ve read every single book by Amanda Lee and love them ALL!!! On numerous occasions I’ve even read sections to my husband. I find them all highly entertaining, funny, and surprising ends. Prior to discovering her books I read primarily Ken Follett, Jeffrey Archer, Harlan Coben, and Nora Roberts. These books are fantastic when you need a break from 1000 page novel or a quicker airplane read.
S. Jordan
1/2/2022 06:21:57 pm
I love all your books. I've read every series, multiple times - the Lily Harper Hart and the Amanda M Lee books. I think the crossovers are super fun.
5/2/2022 07:35:37 am
Thank you for continuing the Avery Shaw series. I'm sorry she's been relegated to no more than one book a year, but at least I have that to look forward to. I listen to the audiobooks, and have listened to the series from the first to the most current at least four times now, and they never get old to me. Although I have the individual books, too, I really appreciate the ones bundled into three-book editions. It makes listening to them easier, and I was disappointed that version wasn't available after Book 15. Yes, I get that I might be more of a fanatic than a fan, but I'm sure I'm not the only Avery Shaw supporter among your readers, so thank you again for keeping her going!
Laurie Stringer
9/7/2022 08:49:50 am
Extremely disappointed that you have ended the Harper and Ivey series as I eagerly awaited each new installment. It would have been wonderful to see each couple from finding them pregnant to birth and beyond. I am aware that they are continuing in crossovers, but it’s just not the same😕I tend to read Apocalyptic fiction and these have given me a nice break in between and kept me entertained!
Mary Rumbaugh
11/7/2022 09:33:22 am
In both the Two Broomsticks Gas and Grill book 6 and Wicked Witches of the Midwest book 21, you mentioned Tillie's near death. Which Series and Book covers this event?
Michelle W.
5/17/2023 12:29:20 pm
You are AMAZING!!! I love all of your wonderful characters and books. I love how you meld them together and the stories you come up with are hilarious, loving and addictive.
6/9/2023 03:50:06 pm
I just read all of the 22 Avery Shaw mysteries in a row!I just love the characters and stories. I hope yiu continue with this series, I just love the books!
11/1/2023 08:12:52 pm
I love your books. One of my favorites is Mystic Caravan. I loved the short story about Luke. Have you thought about writing more short stories about Luke, especially about Cole and Luke.
12/22/2024 11:42:55 pm
If you’re looking for a salon that really cares about your hair, this is it. The stylists take their time to make sure you leave satisfied.
Robin Rae
1/21/2025 04:55:06 pm
I LOVE your books and all the magic! You have kept me sane this last year. I started with Wicked Witches of the Midwest. When I could not get any more than 7 books from the library, I bought a Kindle. Since then I have been roaring through all the series, occasionally bursting out laughing! I will need to start reading the series you have written under Lily Harper Hart after I finish with Avery. Thank you again! Please keep writing, I will be so sad when I reach the last book. Big Hugs to you!
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AuthorWhen I was a kid, I was torn between whether or not I was going to grow up and be the Incredible Hulk or Wonder Woman. I flirted with being a Jedi Knight for awhile, but I wasn't up for the intense travel associated with the gig. In my teens, I settled on being a writer -- although I had no idea the effort that would entail. Archives
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